Magritek announce Spinsolve Carbon, the world’s first Carbon-13 capable benchtop NMR spectrometer
Wellington, New Zealand, 26th November, 2013: Magritek, a leading provider of compact NMR and MRIinstruments, is pleased to announce Spinsolve Carbon. For organic chemists, carbon-13 (13C) NMR forms the backbone of routine molecular analysis. For the first time users can have the power of a 1D and 2D proton-carbon NMR in a benchtop instrument that can be safely used in the laboratory.
The launch of Spinsolve Carbon follows naturally after the successful adoption of the Spinsolve family of benchtop NMR spectrometers by users around the globe. It has been designed to meet the needs of several groups of users: pharmaceutical and medicinal chemists, synthetic chemists monitoring reactions, academics focused on organic chemistry education and researchers or post graduate students doing small molecule structure elucidation.
To meet the requirements of these users, Magritek have produced a comprehensive list of features designed to deliver cost efficient benefits to all. Spinsolve Carbon offers users 1D 1H, 19F and 13C experiments that use standard 5 mm NMR tubes. 13C experiments include spectral editing with DEPT, 2D direct HETCOR and 2D indirect experiments such as HMQC and HMBC. For proton 2D COSY and homonuclear j-resolved spectroscopy are offered along with T1 and T2 relaxation experiments.
Users of Spinsolve systems have found these instruments to be particularly convenient and robust to use. They have low running costs as no liquid cryogens are required and are virtually maintenance-free. In laboratories where time to getting results is imperative, ease of operation makes it perfect for students and chemists who want immediate results. Not having to send samples away for analysis is a great bonus particularly to keep students interested in learning a new technique as part of a practical course.
13C NMR spectroscopy delivers more detail in its spectra than use of the 1H nucleus alone. Carbon has a large chemical shift range of approximately 250 ppm and by using composite pulse decoupling there is usually a single peak per carbon atom in the molecule making carbon spectra much simpler to interpret than proton spectra. Furthermore, multinuclear and multidimensional experiments reveal additional structural information such as how carbon and proton atoms in the molecule are connected.
The powerful, yet easy to use software aids to the simplicity of Spinsolve Carbon. Uncomplicated one-button operation with minimal user controlled parameters coupled to an intuitive graphical interface means the system can easily be operated by anyone from students to experienced research chemists. For reaction monitoring applications the system may be automated and integrates closely with the industry leading MNova data processing software from Mestrelab. The traditional NMR complexities are hidden and automated which make using a Spinsolve a short and pain free learning experience while delivering research-grade results.
You can download a PDF brochure detailing Spinsolve Carbon benchtop NMR spectrometer here