Two recent publications (link here and here) in international journals highlight the potential of using the Spinsolve benchtop NMR for real time chemical reaction monitoring. Interest in using NMR spectroscopy to monitor chemical reactions has been increasing as the information can be used to optimise yield and minimise waste in order to enhance sustainability of the production process.
One of papers from the Ley group at Cambridge University (Musio et al., ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng, 2017) describes how real-time reaction monitoring on Fluorine can be used to optimise the reaction and reduce the environmental impact in the synthesis of functional fluorinated products. The other paper from the Blümich group at RWTH Aachen (Singh et al., Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 409, pp 7223–7234, 2017) evaluates the on-line benchtop NMR reaction monitoring method against off-line GC and high-field NMR methods and finds excellent agreement between them.