431. Low-field NMR Spectroscopy in Chemical Education
Marcel Emmert and Ekkehard Geidel, World Journal of Chemical Education (2023), Link: http://pubs.sciepub.com/wjce/11/3/5/ (open access)
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy as one of the most important analytical techniques is a component of almost all chemistry courses. However, the experimental approach is often a particular challenge due to the high costs of the required experimental equipment. The aim of this contribution is to provide NMR experiments suited for practical courses at the undergraduate level and for the education of chemistry teachers. For this purpose, a low-field device was used. A main concern for the chosen experiments was a close relation to relevant everyday life questions of students. The studies comprise experiments around alcoholic fermentation and alcoholic beverages as well as in the field of chemical kinetics. In general, the presented methods yield results in a reasonable range.