Did you miss our recent webinar ? No problem, just click the red button below to stream a replay of the webinar held on 27th June 2017: Practical use of 13C Benchtop NMR Spectroscopy in an Undergraduate Laboratory
Traditionally, undergraduate students are introduced to NMR spectroscopy through the analysis and interpretation of 1H NMR spectra. A significant advantage of 1H NMR is its high sensitivity, meaning spectra can be acquired very quickly, which is very important in any undergraduate lab. However, 1H spectra can often be complex and difficult to understand, particularly for newcomers to the technique, meaning that 1H spectra may not always be the best first route to learning NMR.
In contrast, 13C NMR spectra are usually much simpler in appearance and easier to understand. The major drawback of 13C is its much lower sensitivity compared to 1H. However, recent improvements in the performance and sensitivity of benchtop NMR instruments, combined with the judicious choice of samples, experiments and experiment parameters, mean that practical 1D 13C NMR spectra can be acquired on a benchtop NMR instrument in a few minutes.
In this webinar we demonstrate a 1D 13C-based approach to teaching NMR using several simple but instructive examples that illustrate important concepts such as chemical shift, magnetic equivalence, chirality and more. We will show how sample and experiment choice can enable 1D 13C NMR to be used in practical ways in a teaching lab.